Thursday, November 13, 2008

So Far Behind...

So, I'm back to Mass after a 4-day break to visit family and friends back in NY, and I'm behind in my word count like you wouldn't believe... And I feel terrible that I wasn't able to ever get a hold of Talathiel to help her out... But I'm back, and I'm hoping to get right back into the game! So, now I'm off to get back to writing. And, if people need me, my AIM is PegasusDagger, MSN Messenger is, and Yahoo is Jeagan7. Happy writing. ^_^

7691 Words... Still...

1 comment:

Talathiel said...

I am most definitely adding you on MSN!!!!!!!!!! We have about the same word count so I think starting Friday night or Saturday or something, we should race to see who can get the most words by Sunday night!! I personally think it'll be a great way to get our word counts up! It is not over yet, we can still do it!!!!! =D

P.S. email for MSN= (I'm on msn 24/7 or literally whenever I'm not sleeping or in school).