Friday, November 14, 2008

Another Day...

Well, another day has flown by with absolutely no words typed... When I came back from New York, I sat down to play WoW (World of Warcraft) for an hour, and stayed on all night, and all of that fun stuff. My goal right now is to reach level 55, which I am close to, so that once December rolls around and I can finally buy the Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack, I will be able to create a Death Knight. My main character, Furuyahitomi (Furu or Tomi for short), is my highest level character, only at 54, and I've been playing the game for nearly 3 years... Kind of sad if you ask me... But, a group of us are planning to run an instance this afternoon, so hopefully I'll be able to get Furu's level up to 55 tonight. That would be wonderful, and it would mean I could DEFINITELY put off playing WoW until December! Of course, that's not likely to happen...

So, Talathieloffered a sort of Word War in a comment to my last blog post, and, I gladly accept! It will help make me focus on my writing, and will give me that extra push to write more words! So, what's say, tomorrow morning, soon as we wake up (Or midnight if we're up at that time tonight) we start the Word War, and go until, umn, 7 or 8 Sunday night, that was we won't be pushing the envelope on not getting enough sleep. How does that sound? And if anyone else reads this, which I doubt, but that's okay, if you want to participate too, that would be awesome! Of course, I'm prolly just talking to myself about anyone else joining in on the Word War, but, hey, a girl can dream!

So, I'm off to go get ready for my instance, and then it's time to sell stuff on ebay to try to get some money for the New England Fan Experience Convention going on over in Cambridge, MA next weekend. Yay for NEFE! Check ya later! Happy Writing!

Too Lazy To Check Her Word Count...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

So Far Behind...

So, I'm back to Mass after a 4-day break to visit family and friends back in NY, and I'm behind in my word count like you wouldn't believe... And I feel terrible that I wasn't able to ever get a hold of Talathiel to help her out... But I'm back, and I'm hoping to get right back into the game! So, now I'm off to get back to writing. And, if people need me, my AIM is PegasusDagger, MSN Messenger is, and Yahoo is Jeagan7. Happy writing. ^_^

7691 Words... Still...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Nerdcore Rising

So, once again I'm a ways behind on my word count. But I'm still not giving up! Actually, I'm rather inspired right now to write, but I wanted to get this Nercore Rising thing out of my head and somewhere where I could look back on it.

So, what is Nerdcore, you may ask? Well, it's more well known as Nerdcore Hip Hop. Yes, that's right. Hip Hop. That means Rap. Rapping about nerdy things. It's awesome! Now, I'll admit, Rap is not one of my favorite kinds of music. And I do not mean to sound racist in this statement, because believe me, I'm in no way racist, but a bunch of black people say words really fast about sex, drugs, violence, and the ocasional 'I miss you'? It's not exactly my cup of tea. But plug in a couple of 30+ year old white guys, turn the lyrics into things like 'Ralph Macchio' (That guy that played Daniel in The Karate Kid), and just totally rock out, that's the sweet nectar of life, baby! Okay, well, maybe not, but it's still pretty flipping awesome! It was my first Nerdcore experience, and I think I might actually really get into the music. Actually, I'm going to contact one of the artists, MC Lars or YT Cracker, and see if I might be able to put a few of his lyrics into my novel. Just a few, like someone could be singing a line or three out loud or something. Good way to boost word count!

So, the artists had been Worm Quartet, YT Cracker, MC Lars, and MC Frontalot. I recomend, even if you don't like rap, to go check them out. Worm Quartet isn't really rap I don't think, but he is flipping hillarious!

Okay, so I had better get back to writing... I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to get done this weekend, as I'm going back to New York, again, tomorrow and staying till Tuesday, and will prolly be spending time with friends instead of writing, as I usually only get to see them once a month. Hope everyone else has a wonderful day and keeps up well with their word count!

7,691 Words.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Another Wasted Day...

So, yesterday I wrote about 800 words, instead of the 1,667 it is required to keep up with the daily word count... Hopefully today I'll be able to get some more done, and catch up a bit. I sure hope so... Honestly, this is the farthest I've ever gotten in NaNo, and I don't want to give up now! Even if I don't finish the novel, which I highly doubt I will anyways, I want to reach the 50,000 words! I mean, I'm the kind of person who has said time and time again that when I grow up, I want to be an author, and I've never actually written a book! I mean, yeah, the one or two page little short stories for school, that's no problem. But this is different. I want to make an impact in the world!

So, after I post this, until about 4:00pm, I'm not doing anything but writing! I'd go till 4:30, when I have to leave to pick up my boyfriend, but I have to make dinner for us first to eat in the car because we're going to a concert in Albany featuring Worm Quartet, MC Lars, MC Frontalot, and YT Cracker. I'm only going for Worm Quartet, but I guess my boyfriend likes them all. I've only ever head Worm Quartet. Anyways! So yeah, nothing but working on the novel till 4!

I hope those who read this that are participating in NaNoWriMo are doing well on their writing! Best of luck to everyone!

6,201 Words

Monday, November 3, 2008

Close of Day Three.

So, I'm making this one quick cause I'm tired and my neck and shoulders hurt... Just got back from a Write-In, which was fun. Hope everyone enjoyed their third day.

5319 Word.

Partially into the Third Day.

So, after my post earlier this morning, I sat down and decided to get some more writing done. And, since then, I've written about 2,200 words. I'd say that's pretty darn good, considering I have problems with focusing on things. Of course, I'm supposed to have about 5,000 words down by the end of the night... Who knows, maybe this write-in tonight in Hadley will help. I hope so.

Oh, and sorry about bitching earlier. I was really upset. Nothing has been going good for me lately it seems. But this weekend I'm going to NY, and will probably go cash in those bonds I have saved up, so I'll have some spare cash. I know that sounds really stupid, but I still don't have a job, and am completely broke, and need to find some way to keep living. I think I might maybe have about 1K in bonds, so that should hopefully last me through the rest of the month. Here's hoping.

3,008 Words


Well, yesterday was Hell in a Hand Basket... I thought trying to participate in NaNoWriMo was tough in past years, what with School and Work and having to deal with Family. But no. This year I'm stuck with a guild who decides to eat me alive the second I decide to finally fucking stand up and speak out, and a boyfriend who has to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it. If he wants to watch Doctor Who, we both have to be in the living room, right that second, both watching it. To fucking hell if I've just gotten the best freaking idea for my book known to man! And if he wants to use the computer, I have to drop everything and get up and go somewhere else. Nevermind the fact that my laptop is on the fritz and doesn't like to charge correctly, so I have maybe an hour's worth of battery time on it. I'm starting to think it was a bad idea to sign up for NaNo... I mean, I got prolly less that 100 words written yesterday! I was supposed to have 3,331 words by last night! I'm so screwed...

737 Words...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

All Up Hill From Here.

So, here we are, just after the close of Day One of National Novel Writing Month (Or NaNoWriMo, but you get more words for spelling it out.) and I'm already about, oh, a thousand words behind... Yep... But, I'm not all to worried. I think my main problem today was that I was to meet up with some people out in Amherst, and that's about, oh, 40 minutes away from me, and I had never been there, so I was really nervous and really anxious, and kept looking at the clock to count down the time to leave to go to the little "Kick Off Party" and yeah... But I got a few paragraphs done, and I know some people haven't even started yet. I'm still trying to talk my boyfriend into participating.

I'm not going to make this a long post, as it's after midnight and I don't enjoy having my boyfriend go to bed without me. so it's off to lay my head down, and hopefully get some inspiration or vague ideas from my dreams. Good luck to everyone else out there in NaNo-Land!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Countin Down!

So, there are officially 3 more days (including today) until NaNoWriMo starts! I'm both worried, and incredibly excited! I've screwed up horribly my last couple of times trying, but hopefully this year will be different! I don't have school to get in my way, along with the homework. I moved out a few months ago so I don't have to worry about family, though I guess I will have to worry about my boyfriend... And for right now, I don't have a job, so I pretty much have the entire day to myself! It's wonderful! Another thing that I think will help is that I'm planning on attending some Write-ins this year. I've never been to one in the past, and I think the encouragement will really help.

Yeah, I'm not going to rant this time. I should actually go see if I can grind out some more characters and try to fill in some more plot. Fun!


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fun times...

So... I guess I rant too much... It seems that my Blog was marked as a Spam Blog after just my first post... That's a little upsetting. But, such is life I guess.

So, to fill you in on my life a little more in the recent days:

About 2 or 3 days ago I FINALLY was able to get back on WoW! (World of Warcraft for you who don't know what that stands for...) I haven't played in like, 3 months, and it's SO wonderful to be able to get back online again! I've missed everyone SO MUCH!

Today (and tomorrow...) I'm helping my boyfriend's uncle, also known as our downstairs neighbors, with a "Tag Sale". Where I come from, or came from, we called them Yard Sales and Garage Sales. People in Western Mass are weird... Actually, I just got inside from standing around doing almost absolutely NOTHING for about 7 hours... Not fun. But I did make a few bucks. Like, 6... What a waste of a day... But tomorrow there's going to be more stuff outside, and we're going to hang signs, so it should be better. And because I'm helping out, I get half of what my boyfriend's uncle makes. It's a nice way to earn a few extra bucks, considering I still don't have a job yet.

Speaking of jobs, I have an interview on Tuesday! Well, kinda. See, I'm trying to get into the local ARC, which is what I used to work for back in NY (Not the same one obviously, but it was another ARC) and they called me back the other day and said they were having a Job Fair on Tuesday, and said to go to it. So I'm REALLY hoping I can get this job! I was at the ARC back in NY for just under 3 years (about 2 weeks under... I was so pissed...) so I'm hoping that will look good to them!

Every day is drawing closer to NaNoWriMo, and I can't help but be excited! Sure, I'm not going to be able to RP on Gaia, or play WoW, or read by Terry Brooks books, or finish crocheting the scarves I'm giving people for Christmas, but I'm going to be able to spend an entire month writing! And this year, I don't care how terrible I do, I REFUSE to give up! No more quitting cause of school or work or family issues! Although, now I'm about 2 hours away from family and I'm no longer in school, so I don't have to worry about those... And, of course, right now I have no job, BUT, I'm hoping to fix that.

I'm thinking I might have finally settled on what story I'm going to write for NaNo. It's sort of a Sci-Fi/Fantasy thing going on. But it's going to be kinda weird. It's going to focus mainly on 4 characters, though I might add more if I need to, or if it just happens... And there's going to be no villian. That's right! A Sci-Fi/Fantasy with no villian! Well, that's mainly because the story I'm going to write is going to be pretty much a set-up for another story I'm dieing to write. It's actually one of the first stories I ever came up with. Well, original one anyways. But yeah! I'm getting really escited, and can't wait to be able to start writing!

I think that's about it for now. I'm going to go play WoW for a few hours, then maybe watch the episode of Supernatural I recorded on Thursday. Catch ya later!


Monday, October 6, 2008

Getting Used To It...

So, to put it simply, I'm new to the whole "Blogging" thing... Never really tried it, but, eh, figured it might be fun to try! Actually, while I was surfing the NaNo Forums yesterday, I came across a topic about finding buddies and whatnot who use blogs, and voiced that I didn't know anything about them, so, here I am, trying it out.

I figured I'd prolly do what a bunch of others did, and use this to keep people updated on things like my NaNo progress, and other writing stuff I do. It'll be kinda nice if people actually read it and comment. I mean, how often do you get to just rant and rave about something you've written, and people actually write you back about it? I know it doesn't usually happen to me.

Okay, I think I might have accidently lied a little bit about not Blogging, cause I do use the blog thing over on MySpace, but, I usually just use that to bitch about something, usually Alex's family these days, and I hardly ever use it, so I don't think it counts. I'm not going to count it.

Okays, so, anyways! Here we are, October 6th, and we're less than a month away from NaNoWriMo! I'm so increadibly excited! I'll admit, this is like, my 4th time trying to do NaNo, each tim with a different user name, cause I'm pathetic like that, and I usually cop out in the first of second week thanks to school and work and home... But this year is going to be different! I hope... This year, I'm not living at home with my parents, meaning no younger siblings either, and I'm not in school anymore (Stupid me flunked out of College...) so no homework! I'm trying to find a job right now, but, it's not going too well... But I'm looking!

Of course, it doesn't really help when my boyfriend's mother stipulates that I get a job by the 15th, or she's going to kick me out. 1) She has no fucking right. 2) What the hell is she going to do? Drive all the way over here and pack up my shit and move it out? God, I hate her... I hate his whole fucking family! Grr! But, they hate me back, and, they hated me first. I mean, come on. If your boyfriend's parents were trying to talk him into going to see a Psychologist for the only fact that he was dating you, wouldn't you hate his parents too?

Bah! Enough bitching! This is going to be a nice blog! I hope...

So, I should prolly go and figure out just which story I'm going to write for NaNo! I've got 3 ideas and still am unable to choose between them... Fun! Check ya later!
