Friday, November 14, 2008

Another Day...

Well, another day has flown by with absolutely no words typed... When I came back from New York, I sat down to play WoW (World of Warcraft) for an hour, and stayed on all night, and all of that fun stuff. My goal right now is to reach level 55, which I am close to, so that once December rolls around and I can finally buy the Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack, I will be able to create a Death Knight. My main character, Furuyahitomi (Furu or Tomi for short), is my highest level character, only at 54, and I've been playing the game for nearly 3 years... Kind of sad if you ask me... But, a group of us are planning to run an instance this afternoon, so hopefully I'll be able to get Furu's level up to 55 tonight. That would be wonderful, and it would mean I could DEFINITELY put off playing WoW until December! Of course, that's not likely to happen...

So, Talathieloffered a sort of Word War in a comment to my last blog post, and, I gladly accept! It will help make me focus on my writing, and will give me that extra push to write more words! So, what's say, tomorrow morning, soon as we wake up (Or midnight if we're up at that time tonight) we start the Word War, and go until, umn, 7 or 8 Sunday night, that was we won't be pushing the envelope on not getting enough sleep. How does that sound? And if anyone else reads this, which I doubt, but that's okay, if you want to participate too, that would be awesome! Of course, I'm prolly just talking to myself about anyone else joining in on the Word War, but, hey, a girl can dream!

So, I'm off to go get ready for my instance, and then it's time to sell stuff on ebay to try to get some money for the New England Fan Experience Convention going on over in Cambridge, MA next weekend. Yay for NEFE! Check ya later! Happy Writing!

Too Lazy To Check Her Word Count...

1 comment:

Talathiel said...

Unfortunately, I cannot write much today because I have to finish yet more homework so either we could just type whenever we want to and can find the time and do the word war that way? If not, I can definitely do it on school nights from about 9ish to 11 or something like that. We'll work it out on MSN. ;)