Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Epic Fail

So, here we are, back from nearly a year of vanish. Funny how NaNoWriMo can remind you of things. It's nearly the end of September, and I honestly just remembered November was coming up quick. And honestly, I'm really excited. It will be great to be able to vent out again using a good story. Of course, that's if I have a place to write.

In a few weeks, I'm going to be moving out of Massachusetts and back to Upstate New York. It will be nice to get back to my friends and family. But, because my boyfriend's father hates me, I have no where to live right now... Well, not right now, but I mean back in NY. I can't stay with my parents cause my step-dad and little sister are allergic to my cat. And my friend Wolf has offered me a place, but his family is still getting over the loss of their dog that they have had for like, 18 years, so bringing a new animal along with me won't be a good idea... My boyfriend is seeing about being able to take the cat with him, but I'm not getting my hopes up. So now aside from trying to find a job, I have to also try to find a place to live. Not like I wasn't already looking, but, I mean, come on. I can't stay with my parents or Wolf forever. And I'm so used to living with my boyfriend, it's not going to be fun.

Wow, talk about ranting...

So, might as well get back to the point of why I even made this blog. NaNo! I'm tossing around a few ideas right now about what I want to write about come November. I could always break the rules and pick back up something I had been working on in the past, or start something new. Of course, no one likes to break the rules, but, it's not the end of the world. It's not like I intend to count the words I already have written into my word count. That would just be wrong.

I don't want to work on what I had going last year. I've been working on it here and there over the past several months, and I'm losing interest in it again. Maybe I could push on to the book that follows it. But then, I'm not even entirely sure how the first book is going to end, so I don't know how the second will pan out. I've also got a vampire-type idea I've been working on for a while. It's NOTHING like Twilight! *Twitch* Hate............. Anyways! Maybe I'll work on that one. It will be nice to have something to read that can help burn the memories of Twilight out of my head.

Of course, there's no telling if I might come up with something new in a month. We'll see. Right now, it's time for bed. Quarter after one in the morning... Later!