Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Countin Down!

So, there are officially 3 more days (including today) until NaNoWriMo starts! I'm both worried, and incredibly excited! I've screwed up horribly my last couple of times trying, but hopefully this year will be different! I don't have school to get in my way, along with the homework. I moved out a few months ago so I don't have to worry about family, though I guess I will have to worry about my boyfriend... And for right now, I don't have a job, so I pretty much have the entire day to myself! It's wonderful! Another thing that I think will help is that I'm planning on attending some Write-ins this year. I've never been to one in the past, and I think the encouragement will really help.

Yeah, I'm not going to rant this time. I should actually go see if I can grind out some more characters and try to fill in some more plot. Fun!


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fun times...

So... I guess I rant too much... It seems that my Blog was marked as a Spam Blog after just my first post... That's a little upsetting. But, such is life I guess.

So, to fill you in on my life a little more in the recent days:

About 2 or 3 days ago I FINALLY was able to get back on WoW! (World of Warcraft for you who don't know what that stands for...) I haven't played in like, 3 months, and it's SO wonderful to be able to get back online again! I've missed everyone SO MUCH!

Today (and tomorrow...) I'm helping my boyfriend's uncle, also known as our downstairs neighbors, with a "Tag Sale". Where I come from, or came from, we called them Yard Sales and Garage Sales. People in Western Mass are weird... Actually, I just got inside from standing around doing almost absolutely NOTHING for about 7 hours... Not fun. But I did make a few bucks. Like, 6... What a waste of a day... But tomorrow there's going to be more stuff outside, and we're going to hang signs, so it should be better. And because I'm helping out, I get half of what my boyfriend's uncle makes. It's a nice way to earn a few extra bucks, considering I still don't have a job yet.

Speaking of jobs, I have an interview on Tuesday! Well, kinda. See, I'm trying to get into the local ARC, which is what I used to work for back in NY (Not the same one obviously, but it was another ARC) and they called me back the other day and said they were having a Job Fair on Tuesday, and said to go to it. So I'm REALLY hoping I can get this job! I was at the ARC back in NY for just under 3 years (about 2 weeks under... I was so pissed...) so I'm hoping that will look good to them!

Every day is drawing closer to NaNoWriMo, and I can't help but be excited! Sure, I'm not going to be able to RP on Gaia, or play WoW, or read by Terry Brooks books, or finish crocheting the scarves I'm giving people for Christmas, but I'm going to be able to spend an entire month writing! And this year, I don't care how terrible I do, I REFUSE to give up! No more quitting cause of school or work or family issues! Although, now I'm about 2 hours away from family and I'm no longer in school, so I don't have to worry about those... And, of course, right now I have no job, BUT, I'm hoping to fix that.

I'm thinking I might have finally settled on what story I'm going to write for NaNo. It's sort of a Sci-Fi/Fantasy thing going on. But it's going to be kinda weird. It's going to focus mainly on 4 characters, though I might add more if I need to, or if it just happens... And there's going to be no villian. That's right! A Sci-Fi/Fantasy with no villian! Well, that's mainly because the story I'm going to write is going to be pretty much a set-up for another story I'm dieing to write. It's actually one of the first stories I ever came up with. Well, original one anyways. But yeah! I'm getting really escited, and can't wait to be able to start writing!

I think that's about it for now. I'm going to go play WoW for a few hours, then maybe watch the episode of Supernatural I recorded on Thursday. Catch ya later!


Monday, October 6, 2008

Getting Used To It...

So, to put it simply, I'm new to the whole "Blogging" thing... Never really tried it, but, eh, figured it might be fun to try! Actually, while I was surfing the NaNo Forums yesterday, I came across a topic about finding buddies and whatnot who use blogs, and voiced that I didn't know anything about them, so, here I am, trying it out.

I figured I'd prolly do what a bunch of others did, and use this to keep people updated on things like my NaNo progress, and other writing stuff I do. It'll be kinda nice if people actually read it and comment. I mean, how often do you get to just rant and rave about something you've written, and people actually write you back about it? I know it doesn't usually happen to me.

Okay, I think I might have accidently lied a little bit about not Blogging, cause I do use the blog thing over on MySpace, but, I usually just use that to bitch about something, usually Alex's family these days, and I hardly ever use it, so I don't think it counts. I'm not going to count it.

Okays, so, anyways! Here we are, October 6th, and we're less than a month away from NaNoWriMo! I'm so increadibly excited! I'll admit, this is like, my 4th time trying to do NaNo, each tim with a different user name, cause I'm pathetic like that, and I usually cop out in the first of second week thanks to school and work and home... But this year is going to be different! I hope... This year, I'm not living at home with my parents, meaning no younger siblings either, and I'm not in school anymore (Stupid me flunked out of College...) so no homework! I'm trying to find a job right now, but, it's not going too well... But I'm looking!

Of course, it doesn't really help when my boyfriend's mother stipulates that I get a job by the 15th, or she's going to kick me out. 1) She has no fucking right. 2) What the hell is she going to do? Drive all the way over here and pack up my shit and move it out? God, I hate her... I hate his whole fucking family! Grr! But, they hate me back, and, they hated me first. I mean, come on. If your boyfriend's parents were trying to talk him into going to see a Psychologist for the only fact that he was dating you, wouldn't you hate his parents too?

Bah! Enough bitching! This is going to be a nice blog! I hope...

So, I should prolly go and figure out just which story I'm going to write for NaNo! I've got 3 ideas and still am unable to choose between them... Fun! Check ya later!
