Thursday, November 6, 2008

Nerdcore Rising

So, once again I'm a ways behind on my word count. But I'm still not giving up! Actually, I'm rather inspired right now to write, but I wanted to get this Nercore Rising thing out of my head and somewhere where I could look back on it.

So, what is Nerdcore, you may ask? Well, it's more well known as Nerdcore Hip Hop. Yes, that's right. Hip Hop. That means Rap. Rapping about nerdy things. It's awesome! Now, I'll admit, Rap is not one of my favorite kinds of music. And I do not mean to sound racist in this statement, because believe me, I'm in no way racist, but a bunch of black people say words really fast about sex, drugs, violence, and the ocasional 'I miss you'? It's not exactly my cup of tea. But plug in a couple of 30+ year old white guys, turn the lyrics into things like 'Ralph Macchio' (That guy that played Daniel in The Karate Kid), and just totally rock out, that's the sweet nectar of life, baby! Okay, well, maybe not, but it's still pretty flipping awesome! It was my first Nerdcore experience, and I think I might actually really get into the music. Actually, I'm going to contact one of the artists, MC Lars or YT Cracker, and see if I might be able to put a few of his lyrics into my novel. Just a few, like someone could be singing a line or three out loud or something. Good way to boost word count!

So, the artists had been Worm Quartet, YT Cracker, MC Lars, and MC Frontalot. I recomend, even if you don't like rap, to go check them out. Worm Quartet isn't really rap I don't think, but he is flipping hillarious!

Okay, so I had better get back to writing... I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to get done this weekend, as I'm going back to New York, again, tomorrow and staying till Tuesday, and will prolly be spending time with friends instead of writing, as I usually only get to see them once a month. Hope everyone else has a wonderful day and keeps up well with their word count!

7,691 Words.

1 comment:

Talathiel said...

hey, thanks for commenting on my posts. =) And congrats on the word count! At least you're not that far behind! I'm only at 2.651 words myself. =/

I'll have to check out those artists you mentioned. The concept sounds interesting to say the very least.

As for your comment on my last post, I'm so excited that you liked the scene I wrote! I would really love to hear all of your ideas because I'm torn between so many things popping into my head that I can't seem to structure anything. So far I've introduced three characters and one maybe two have been implanted with the gems. (They find the gems by accident and they dissolve into their bodies) so the gems that the guy cut out from the girl's eyes would be that, and those gems give her the power to control those crystals. I think I really can go back and forth between points of view of the heroines/heros and the "bad guys" AND have other important characters researching the crystals at the same time so technically anything you can think of I will probably be able to write. =)

I really hope that last paragraph made sense but I think we should definitely talk by nano mail and maybe msn or aim. Having a plot would do wonders for my word count. =D